Navegante Health

Navigating health with insight – Predict, act and thrive with Navegante Health

Navegante Health is a predictive analytics company dedicated to assisting providers, payers, and patients navigate healthcare systems. We leverage proactive predictions to facilitate early action, enhance outcomes, increase revenue, and reduce costs.

What changes would you make today, if you could see the future?

Navegante empowers healthcare providers, payers, and patients by mapping pathways and predicting the what, why, and when of future risks. Our predictive algorithms act as a compass, undercovering insights to identify less costly healthcare pathways leading to high-quality care.

High Cost Analysis

Our solutions


Find future high-cost patients.


Mapping Pathways, Better Insights.


A way to find high-quality, lower-cost care.



Understand the future, not the past. Predict high-cost patients at the individual and group level to fuel stop-loss decisions that grow your business.

Why you need Sirius

AI tailored to your unique populations provides detailed insights into diagnoses and prescriptions driving future cost predictions. This enables you to accurately project high-cost and low-cost risks for more competitive pricing.

Identify future high-cost patients

Identify high-cost patients and their future cost value, at the individual and group level. That means better insights, more competitive pricing, and more revenue for you.

Protect yourself from regression to the mean

Find patterns undetectable to the human eye, so that you don't overprice groups whose risk will go up. That means you can offer the most competitive rates to your book.


Navegante’s AI-powered platform generates proactive, personalized actions into future high-cost patients by mapping pathways that enable you to prioritize and act based on cost drivers and clinical impact. That lets you efficiently target your efforts, improve health outcomes, and reduce costs.


Receive actionable, accurate insights

Generate curated pathways based on patient-level insights into rising risk, cost, drivers, and clinical impactability.

Maximize scarce resources

Prioritize most in need to maximize scarce care resources and automatically enroll them into relevant pathways.

Predict up to 12 months sooner

Identify members at risk for a health condition up to 12 months before the diagnosis appears on the claim, so that you prevent issues that lead to high-cost patients.



We offer Healthcare Navigation services as an easier way to find high-quality, lower-cost care. We provide human-centered, tech-empowered navigation solutions that improve clinical outcomes for everyone on your team, from high-risk and chronic conditions to routine preventive care.

Why you need Navegante

Navigating healthcare is costly and complicated. Your patients deserve an expert guide. A compassionate listener. A Navegante. Someone on a mission to eliminate expense, complexity and worry along their way.

Program Enhancers

Individualized support to manage complex conditions and promote holistic wellness.

Preferred Partners

Strategic integrations with best-in-class partners to maximise utilization.

Premier Solutions

End-to-end condition management to address the highest costs and most complex disease states.

Ready To Get Started?